There is a common misconception among people that only adults require dental treatment. The truth is, oral problems can strike at any time, even as early as our childhood and may require proper checkup. The only difference is, when a child is suffering from a problem he/she needs to be taken to a special dentist known as a pediatrician. A pediatric dentist is a doctor who has been trained to take care of the oral health needs of a child from early stages to teen age. There are a variety of services that pediatric dentists Brampton offer for the betterment of the oral health of the child. These include: Preventive dental care such as cleaning, fluoride treatment, and diet recommendation that suit the child. A pediatrician also performs habit counselling to make sure the child does not indulge in damaging habits such as thumb sucking. Analyzing and treating teeth that are misaligned. Correcting an improper bite. Tooth cavities...