Orthodontics is a specialty treatment that is most frequently linked to metal braces. However, this field involves treatment for any tooth and jaw positioning problems, so that the teeth can function more effectively. The way in which lower and upper teeth meet when in a biting position is called an occlusion. The aim of an orthodontic treatment is to get the bite in the right alignment. Although orthodontics can be performed on people of all ages, most dentists believe patients around the age group of 12-13 years are the most ideal patients. Few of the many problems that can be treated through orthodontics include crowded or crooked teeth, teeth that stick out at wrong angles, under-bites, misaligned jaw and overbites. In case there are gaps or spaces in between the teeth, they can also be treated with orthodontic treatment Brampton . The main goal is to get healthy, straight teeth. When there is an issue with the bite, this can affect the overall health, making it li...