As soon as your child's first set of teeth begin to arrive, you must immediately start with a dental care routine that will help keep those projections healthy. Here are some tips on dental care you can follow: Make sure you clean your baby’s teeth with a baby toothbrush, two times a day. Use only a smear of fluoride toothpaste as swallowing too much fluoride can be risky for a child. Keep all fluoride items, such as mouthwashes and toothpastes, away from the toddler. As surprising as it may sound, flossing is an important part of a child’s good dental health. Begin the process when the toddler has a full set. Make sure you learn the right technique from your dentist in Mississauga . You may also want to use disclosing tablets from time to time. Disclosing tablets are basically chewable tablets that highlight any plaque that is remaining after brushing. Once the child reaches six, you can ask your Mississauga...