Bad breath which is also called halitosis can have a major effect on relationships, communication, intimate moments, and the like. Most people have a hard time telling their loved ones who have bad breath as they do not want to offend them. The truth is, you do not have to spend thousands of dollars to treat halitosis. In fact, there are numerous natural home remedies for the treatment of halitosis. Sometimes home remedies to treat bad breath can be as easy as changing your present diet. For instance, you can begin by giving up foods with strong odors such as, garlic, onions, fish, and the like. Consuming a healthy natural diet can help in reducing the chances of bad breath from the residue of the food left in the mouth and from the processing of food that is difficult to digest. One of the biggest causes that leads to halitosis is bad oral hygiene. It is important to brush your teeth properly, floss, and make use of a mouthwash. This helps in eliminating mou...