Dentures are normally used as substitutes for natural teeth. Even though advancements in technology have completely transformed the look and feel of these prosthetics in recent years, it is still a good idea to keep your real teeth intact for as long as it’s possible. In case, with time, you feel your teeth no longer have the chewing strength you need then you can turn to artificial projections. Knowing when to go for dentures is a decision that has to be taken by consulting your dental provider. Speak with an expert Your dentist is the person you must approach in helping you take the right decision. The expert will analyze your teeth and jaw and take out x-rays. This will assist in determining the general condition of your mouth. In case you have significant decay, the consultant may suggest extraction and prosthetics. Other Options If you have just a few teeth that are causing trouble, it is advised to speak with a dental care expert about dental implants ...