Before considering any of the Brampton teeth whitening methods, it is extremely important to understand how they actually work. Making an informed decision about a whitening treatment can ensure the best results along with safety of your teeth. However, with so many options available today, in-office to over-the-counter, it is challenging to decide what will suit you the best. Professional in-office teeth whitening: An in-office whitening treatment is performed in a controlled set up under the supervision of experts. It uses high concentration of Carbamide Peroxide or Hydrogen Peroxide. The method works well for someone who is looking for optimum results quickly, since effects are visible in less than an hour. Even though it is considered expensive, the results achieved may make it worthwhile. Here is what to expect during an in-office whitening treatment: The dentist starts by polishing the teeth to eliminate plaque on the surface. The mouth is isolated wit...