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Showing posts from February, 2022

Visits to the dentist often include serious pain.

The dentist is often the first place that people with serious tooth pain go because they can’t take the pain anymore. Dentists don’t always know what’s causing the pain and might suggest that you need a root canal while they’re only removing plaque on your teeth. Dental Pain A dental visit might be necessary and can include serious pain. This is because many people with severe tooth pain feel they cannot take the tooth pain much longer and consequently visit their dentist. The dentist may not know the underlying cause of your pain, but they will always suggest root canal work if they think your teeth need it. Gingivitis Gingivitis is not an infection of the gum tissue but is inflammation caused by bacteria. The bacteria form plaque that becomes hardened when it mixes with saliva , producing tartar. The symptoms of gingivitis include inflammation, bleeding and receding gums, as well as unpleasant breath odor. These symptoms are often exacerbated by certain habits such as smok...

Oral Health Care for Seniors in Ontario

Oral health care is an integral part of good health for seniors. To address this issue, some services have been set up to assist senior oral health needs. There have been several programs ensured that ensure seniors can continue with their oral hygiene as they age. One of these programs is the dental home visits program, which is provided  for seniors within Ontario. Seniors who meet all the criteria in the eligibility guidelines qualify for this program and receive a similar service as other people living in Canada who would use their own general practitioner or family doctor for healthcare. The service includes a visit by a dentist at least once every six months, dental checkups, examinations, and recommendations. Why do seniors need extra dental care? Oral health care is important for seniors because, as they age, their oral hygiene habits may change. This could include brushing teeth less, not getting regular dental check-ups , eating too many sugary foods, or drinking too...