Oral health plays an important role in our overall health system. Our mouth consists of more bacteria than the total population of the world. This means we must take care of how we maintain our dental hygiene. Some of the very common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can easily be transferred through sexual acts which includes the use of mouth, lips or tongue. The only way to prevent it is by using genital or dental condom. STIs which can be transmitted orally Herpes, it is one of the most common STIs found today. It is transferred when the infected tissue (open) comes in direct contact with a fresh tissue. Herpes causes oral blisters which can be painful when they burst. It can also cause fever or fatigue in some cases. Syphilis, it is a type of bacterial infection. Sores are formed on the mouth, lips, around genital region, the anus and the rectum. It is transmitted when an infected person comes in direct contact with the person not carrying it. Skin sores which are pain...