Mouthwashes are being used since thousands of years now. Before the availability of the commercialised mouthwashes, people had been using various methods to wash their mouth. Mixture of salt, vinegar and alum was used by the Europeans. Native Americas used plants for oral hygiene and dental care. In India oil pulling has been used as a technique to cleanse the mouth from bacteria and inflammations. It also helps in whitening, strengthening and healing of the teeth.
Alcohol based mouthwashes are not necessarily always the best thing to use. A lot of times they kill the good bacteria which is required for digestion or to fight against the bad ones. But alcohol kills them too along with the bad ones. Alcohol also reduces the production of nitrates, which creates inefficiency of blood vessels to expand & contract. It may also lead to cardiovascular disease.
If you are having problems of mouth sores, then alcohol-based mouthwashes can increase the problem. Alcohol tends to dry out the mouth, leaving more sores in the mouth to form.
Make sure the mouthwash you are using on a daily basis does not contain alcohol as it can cause the enamel to breakdown. This leaves them open to stains from coffee, tea, sodas and sugary items.
A few things you can try for oral care at home-
- Oil pulling- it involves the use of coconut oil.
- Rinse your mouth after eating. This helps in not providing more food for the bacteria to grow.
- Let go of refined sugar.
- Keep your tongue clean from the back.
- Avoid eating anything that contains phytic acid (found mostly in seeds, grains and nuts)
- Try eating food rich in Vitamin D, A, E, & K2.
- Reduce stress levels.
- Stay hydrated.
- Take care of your digestion.
- Brush and floss every day.
- Treat teeth grinding or clenching.
- Use a brush with soft bristles.
- See your dentist regularly.
- Avoid using tooth paste that contain whitening agents. If used on a daily basis it can cause the deterioration of the enamel.
- Eat food that are high in fat soluble vitamins.
Try using homemade mouth washes, such as a mixture of salt & lukewarm water. It helps cure sore throat and cold sores. If the problem persists, then it is recommended to consult your Brampton dentist or find a good dental clinic to guide you.
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