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Showing posts from May, 2022

Most benefits of improving your oral hygiene

By improving your oral hygiene, you will have a reduced risk of developing dental caries. The American Dental Association has identified that it is an important preventive measure for children and adults in combating tooth decay. It is also linked to a lower rate of periodontal disease. One other benefit of oral hygiene is that it can increase the health and well-being of your mouth by removing plaque from teeth and reducing bad breath. By taking better care of your teeth, you will have fewer bacteria inside this region, which has been linked to the development of gum disease or periodontitis. Why is oral health important? Most people don’t realize just how important oral health is. It’s linked to the development of gum disease or periodontitis, which can lead to a serious illness or chronic disease that may cause some loss of function.  Improving your oral health also has benefits for your overall health as it reduces the risk of chronic diseases and can improve well-being...

Tooth sensitive to cold: What causes it and how can you handle it?

Most people don’t realize that dental sensitivity can be caused by several factors. These are mostly related to the gums, tooth decay, and root canal treatment. Triggering foods and drinks can also lead to sensitivity. Common triggers include ice cubes, iced drinks, and certain acidic fruits like oranges or lemons. This type of sensitivity will affect one tooth; instead, it will affect an entire quadrant where the trigger exists. Eating small amounts of these foods at a time is advised if you want to use them as treats in your diet. What causes tooth sensitivity to cold? Dentin refers to the soft layer of the tooth next to the tooth enamel. It covers the tooth pulp where our nerves and blood vessels are located. Exposing your tooth to acidic situations strips away the protective enamel, which will make them sensitive to piercing forces. People with a dental sensitivity to cold may be prone to experiencing an oral cold, also known as acute onset of asthma. This is one of the most ...