Most people don’t realize that dental sensitivity can be caused by several factors. These are mostly related to the gums, tooth decay, and root canal treatment.
Triggering foods and drinks can also lead to sensitivity. Common triggers include ice cubes, iced drinks, and certain acidic fruits like oranges or lemons. This type of sensitivity will affect one tooth; instead, it will affect an entire quadrant where the trigger exists. Eating small amounts of these foods at a time is advised if you want to use them as treats in your diet.
What causes tooth sensitivity to cold?
Dentin refers to the soft layer of the tooth next to the tooth enamel. It covers the tooth pulp where our nerves and blood vessels are located. Exposing your tooth to acidic situations strips away the protective enamel, which will make them sensitive to piercing forces. People with a dental sensitivity to cold may be prone to experiencing an oral cold, also known as acute onset of asthma. This is one of the most common causes of such sensitivity, especially in children and people under 18 years old.
Untreated tooth decay
Painful tooth sensitivity can be caused by several factors. Once the bacteria get through the enamel, your dentin will be exposed to the extreme temperatures of what you consume, sometimes even to cold air. It is advised that you choose not to eat or drink anything that could harm your teeth, which are sensitive to cold.
Aggressive brushing and using a toothpick
If you are having trouble brushing your teeth because it is too sensitive, then it’s a good idea to cut back on how often you brush. You should rotate in three times a day to once every two days. Start off by brushing for two minutes, flossing before and after, and then go about your day with some ice chips or iced drinks.
It is advised that anyone who has tooth sensitivity avoid any type of acidic foods; choose not to eat or drink anything that could harm your teeth, which are sensitive to cold. You should also avoid making an aggressive brushing stroke—don’t scrub the teeth too hard!
Bruxism or teeth grinding
Bruxism or teeth grinding is a common cause of tooth sensitivity to cold. Bruxism and grinding are both terms used to refer to the unconscious clenching and grinding of the teeth that can happen during sleep. This clenching and grinding action can lead to tooth wear, decay, gum recession, jaw joint problems, headaches and other chronic pain conditions.
Cracked or chipped tooth
You should avoid placing any hard objects in your mouth while sleeping, like toothpicks or tweezers. If you wake up with a cracked or chipped tooth, consult a dentist immediately to ensure there is not too much damage done.
Exposed tooth root
The exposed tooth root is a condition in which there is a dental cavity that extends to the pulp of the tooth. It can happen if there has been an injury to the crown portion of your tooth. The gum may also recede, causing “root exposure”. In this situation, consult a dentist immediately as an untreated cavity can be very painful and lead to other complications such as abscesses and tooth loss.
Post-treatment sensitivity
It is natural to experience a lot of teeth sensitivity after procedure, as the nerves are still healing. This is different from the ordinary type of sensitivity that you would feel every day.
It’s recommended not to eat or drink anything that could harm your teeth, which are sensitive to cold during this time. There should be no pain, but it may take time for your teeth to readjust back to normalcy. These paces can vary from person-to-person, so it’s important you consult with a dentist for more details about what will work best for you!
How Family Dentistry can help
Family Dentistry can provide you with periodic check-ups and professional cleaning. We will also show you the best ways to care for your teeth at home and give you advice on how to avoid the sensitivity issue in the future.
When dealing with tooth sensitivity, avoid anything that could harm your teeth. You should also avoid aggressive brushing and eating or drinking anything that causes the problem. A dentist can help you find out what will work best for you!
For best dentists in Brampton, visit CaplashDental
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