While most infants don't start developing teeth till the age of six months, taking care of their mouth should start from the early stages. Most Brampton dentists recommend initial visit before the first birthday of the child to make sure gums and teeth are cleaned and cared for properly. In fact, it is a good idea to clean your baby's gums from the first month of birth. Even though there may be a little discomfort in the beginning, your little one will soon get used to having their gums cleaned like the rest of their body.
Tips to clean your baby's mouth:
- Lay down your little one on your lap. Keep the child’s head close to your chest so that you can have a direct view of the child's mouth.
- Gum and teeth clearing. Gently rub a damp, clean, wash cloth along the lower and upper gums of the baby. You can also utilize terrycloth finger cots.
- Do this two times a day — clean the child’s mouth after breakfast, and after the last feed of the day.
- When your child starts developing teeth, start brushing them 2-3 times a day: use water and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Experts do not recommend toothpaste until the child turns two.
There are some conditions you should be aware of during your baby’s first year, including:
- Between three to nine months, the infant’s teeth will start to erupt in the mouth. Teething can make your child fussy or irritable and may cause drooling, restlessness, or loss of hunger.
- Decay due to feeding or baby bottle — also known as "early childhood dental caries." It is a common problem in infants. The condition is normally a consequence of frequent exposure to sugary substances that can damage the baby’s teeth and general oral health.
- Tooth sucking is another common comforting habit that children indulge in during the initial years. However, some children may continue with this habit long after. During the first few years of the child, sucking may not damage the mouth. But long-term and frequent sucking can lead to problems. This is particularly true if the oral habit continues after the baby teeth fall out.
Keep your visits to the dentist in Brampton regular. This will help you ensure that your child never suffers from any tooth related issues their whole life.
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