Winter is right around the corner and this is the best time to get your teeth checked by a dentist. Cold weather can become a challenge if there is any kind of dental issue. The low temperatures can cause the pain to rise at extreme levels.
Things to do
New toothpaste, try getting one of those toothpaste with high fluoride content. It helps in reducing the sensitivity and provides safety from increased sensitivity levels due to extreme weather conditions.
Stay hydrated, water plays an important role for the entire body to work properly. During winters, our tendency is to consume less water as it feels unnecessary to do so. Because of the cold temperature, sometimes we misjudge the hydration level of our body. This leaves the body dehydrated and can cause many problems. Because of dehydration, our mouth can start creating bad breath. Dehydrated mouth also causes low saliva production. As saliva is also responsible for cleaning the mouth, it is left uncleaned. This can cause bacteria formation and result in cavity formation or even tooth decay.
Nose breathing, a lot of times in the winter months, when we are out taking a walk or doing something, we tend to start using mouth to inhale or exhale oxygen. This leaves our mouth open to cold temperature and results in increase of tooth sensitivity. Thus, to avoid this, it is important to consciously focus on breathing through the nose only.
Avoid sugary items, sugar is one of the major causes of enamel breakdown. It can also cause the tooth to decay. High sugar levels can also increase the pain levels. During the winters, the sensitivity of the teeth is already a little high, adding sugar can double this. So, before you decide to make yourself a nice hot chocolate, just make sure it is sugar free or contains as less sugar as possible.
Avoid injuries, a broken or a chipped tooth during winters can be extremely painful thing to go through. Avoid getting into situations which can lead to this. Also, if you are playing a sport such as ice hockey or basketball, then make sure you are wearing a mouth guard.
Use a soft brush, during winters teeth can become more sensitive, thus using soft bristles for brushing around the gums is always a good idea.
Apart from this, keep your lips moist as this avoids cold sores or chapped tooth. Try using lip balms which contain SPF and speak to a dentist in Brampton for more information.
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